Friday, June 6, 2008

What is a mentor and how can I and MFF help you?

I remember as a child the one person that really made a difference in my life, my mother. My mother made sure that all of my needs, dreams, goals and desires were nurtured. She made sure that I knew I was special. To this day my mother still does that. Mom I love you very much and thank you for all of your support for my entire life.

That leads to my question. What is a mentor? A mentor according to Wikipedia is:
1. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2. An influential senior sponsor or supporter.
-Verb (used without object)
3. To act as a mentor: She spent years mentoring to junior employees.
-Verb (used with object)
4. To act as a mentor to: The brash young executive did not wish to be mentored by anyone.

So we understand what it means according to Wikipedia, but my real question is this. Do you have a mentor or are you aimlessly wandering through life wondering why things keep happening to you the way they do? I am fortunate in the fact that I have always had some sort of support and a mentor to look up to. In my journey through life things have not always been, well lets say, easy. I have come full circle with most of my demons. I am still working out the kinks but that is what makes life so great.

What I have done all 0f my life, is take all of my failures, disappointments, and mistakes that I have made thus far and I learned from them. Now please do not misunderstand me I am by no means perfect, and believe you me, I have made some whoppers! But I found a new friend and mentor along the way, by the name of Michael Dlouhy. He wrote an amazing book entitled, Success in 10 Steps. I would have never met him if it was not for my other great friend and mentor Rob Kenyon. He has believed in and helped me every step of the way on my new path that I am on. They remind me every day that I am perfect just the way I am.

Why am I sharing this with you? You are probably thinking "Who the heck is Bridget Lee, anyway?" But here is why. These gentlemen along with many other brilliant people that I have met, have inspired me to do for others exactly what they do for me. MENTOR. I am extending to you an olive branch. I would very much like to help you with your success in life. I would like to be that friend and mentor when you need one. I will be your personal cheerleader and when you run into "that person" that says you're crazy, call or email me and I will reassure you that you are not! Some people JUST DON'T GET IT. When you associate yourself with positive people, you have more energy.

One last thing, I am with an organization called Mentoring For Free (MFF) and if you need help with your MLM business or you are looking to start one, please keep me, Bridget Lee, in mind. I want to help you succeed, because I want to share all of the information, knowledge, and resources that I have with you, so that you can reach your dreams and goals. 

Take care,
Bridget Lee


Rob Kenyon said...

You have put into words, what many think and only wish they could writ.

Excellent Job,

Your Friend


Rhonda Wudarczyk said...

Awesome information! If it were not for the book and MFF group, I would be totally lost!
I suggest anyone download it!

Dianne said...

Excellent information. Everyone can benefit from a mentor and you sound like you would be perfect.

Thanks for sharing,
Dianne Brodie

Terri Pattio said...

You got it girl, keep up the good work.
See you at the top.


Unknown said...

I don't know anything about blogging but I sure know a good piece of written and informative material when I read it. You "go
Girl". I'm about to learn all about blogging and get on board!
I too am in Mentoring for FREE!

Shirley Breitenbach

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this great information.

Melanie Kissell said...

As far as I'm concerned, "mentoring" and "nurturing" are synonomous. Everyone at MentoringForFree has been a good listener, a hand holder, a teacher, a guide, and a good friend.

Thanks for posting this valuable, thought-provoking information!

Melanie Kissell

Jayne Cambra said...

This is the best description that I've seen so far for MFF and the book ..

Without this little ebook, I would of been walking around like a "Chicken with it's Head Cut Off," so to speak.

Keep on Truckin' and Believing in Yourself!

Jayne Cambra aka MentorJayne

Unknown said...

thank you so much for sharing this information! Mentoring For Free has opened my eyes on Network Marketing. I have finally become successful and I owe it to this group and the wonderful people in it. This is vital information for all network marketers. Thanks again for sharing.

Tamara Racine

Unknown said...

Great Blog!

Also good information. Before I got connected with MentoringForFree I was doing all the stuff they told me to do. Buy leads, call dozens of people a day. Problem didn't work.

Thanks to MentoringForFree I now know there is a better way. A way that actually works.

Read the owe it to yourself and your family.


YourFreeMentor said...

Great info, I really appreciate it!!!

Keep up the good work

Your Friend
Luc Despres

Linda & J-Luiz said...

Great information, I like the way you explained what a mentor really can do for anyone looking for success in Network Marketing.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

WOW!! The information in the Book, "Success In Ten Steps" has completely changed my life and how I do business.

Live Limitless,
Ashley Bolivar

Ronald M McCall said...

Very good information and so refreshing to have a group of like minded people to help you get your business started. Is a great day that I found Mentoring for free.

mlmleadsblog said...

Wow! Awesome blog...

I'm glad I'm in the Gee, I'm glad I did category!

Thank you for sharing.
